Individual Gifts
The Bradenton Kiwanis Foundation provides an individual contributor with many ways to make a positive impact. The Foundation can also help you explore your options for planned giving-and for making your generosity a part of your personal legacy.
Make your gift today using our convenient, secure online donation (click here to go to credit card payment page). Gifts of all sizes matter and make a difference in positively impacting our community.
Santa Claus visits a young Christmas in August Participant
You can continue to build a better Bradenton and serve children forever with a planned gift. You help improve children’s lives, even beyond your own lifetime.
Please consider sponsoring:
- Scholarships to deserving students
- School supplies to homeless students
- Food packets for homeless and needy families
- Helping children read
- Mentoring children through Key Club, K-Kids and Builders Clubs
Please contact Teri Roberts, Accounting Associate at: 941-730-0498 or for further information